A Spay involves the removal of the female animal’s uterus and ovaries to prevent breeding and mitigate health risks. Performing a spay while the animal is in heat increases surgical risks and incurs an additional fee. A Neuter is the removal of a male animal’s testicles to prevent reproduction and reduce aggressive behavior associated with mating. It’s important to note that male animals can still reproduce shortly after the procedure, and behavioral changes may take several months to manifest.
request an appointmentAt Sierra Animal Hospital, we provide comprehensive care for all pets undergoing routine surgery. This includes pre-operative blood work to check for infections and assess liver and kidney function, which is included in the price of all routine surgeries. We employ sterilization procedures akin to human hospitals to minimize postoperative infections, such as autoclave sterilization of instruments, surgical prep, and constant monitoring of vital signs during surgery. Subcuticular sutures are used to minimize the risk of wound complications and eliminate the need for suture removal. We utilize veterinary surgical laser technology to reduce bleeding and postoperative pain, making procedures safer and more comfortable for pets. Intravenous fluids are administered to maintain blood pressure, provide emergency access, and prevent dehydration during surgery. A pain relief injection can be administered immediately post-surgery for additional comfort, eliminating the need for oral pain medication for the first 12 hours after surgery.